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Home » 2016 » April » 8 » Kylie Minogue - Someday lyrics
Kylie Minogue - Someday lyrics

Precious stone, Life goes on, You have abused and used me, Now
I'm going 
home, I want my records back, To get my heart on track, You
think I can't be 
alone, Well this woman's here to show you, oh, Someday, The
lights will fall 
and you will know, If you do it slowly, You might just find it's
worth it 
all, Precious stone, Life goes on, You feel used and abused, Now
you're all 
alone, How dare you say, I will be back one day, You've taken me
granted, It's time for me to say, Someday he'll be there to hold
you baby, 
There by the grace a sign, Someday he'll be there to dry your
tears, I want 
my records back, To get my heart on track, You think I can't be
alone, Well 
this woman's here to show you, oh, How dare you say, I will be
back one day, 
You've taken me for granted, You need to find your way.

Category: K | Views: 94 | Added by: Scar | Tags: Kylie Minogue | Rating: 0.0/0
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