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The weight of my words
Are like feathers from a bird
My mouth, it moves but you won’t hear a thing
Cause I’ve dug myself deep
I managed to fit both my hands and feet
All my little white lies
Smell like a big old bucket of bleach

In one ear
And out your other
So lock and key
You won’t open up for me

So brick by brick
I am breaking through these walls
Oh between you and me
I’m not giving up
I’m not giving giving up

I guess
And it feels like you’re in China
And I am in Peru
When ever I am sleeping next to you
We can hear the crickets singing
Oh all throughout the night
OH boy can we just get used
To something so right?

And sure I confess
I’m a mess
I’m a mess of mistakes
But please count to ten
Before you go and throw it all away

So brick by brick
I am breaking through these walls
Oh between you and me
I’m not giving up
I’m not giving giving up
On on on us

Cause if you give up
Then what am I supposed to do
All these dreams
Never will come true
Without you
Vocal ad lib

Brick by brick
I am breaking through these walls
Oh between you and me
I’m not giving up
I’m not giving giving up

Oh baby don’t give up
On this love
Don’t give up
On thïs love

Category: K | Views: 131 | Added by: Scar | Date: 04.04.2016 | Comments (0)

Every week's
The same
Stuck in school
So lame
My parents say
That I'm lazy
Getting up
At 8 is crazy

Tired of hearing
What to do
So unfair
So uncool

Days too long
And I'm holding on
Till I hear
The bell ring

Cuz it's
The time when
The time when

We're gonna breakout
Let the party start
We're gonna stay out
Gonna break
Some hearts

We're gonna dance
Till the dance floor
Falls apart
Uh, oh
All over again
We're gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We're gonna have
Some fun
Gonna loose control

Feels so good
To let go-oh-oh

It's something
We like to do
With my friends
Every mess
Were into ha
These are
The lessons
That we chose
Not a book
Full of things
We'll never use

Days too long
And I'm holding on
Till I hear
The bell ring

Cuz it's
The time when
The time when

We're gonna breakout
Let the party start
We're gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We're gonna dance till
The dance floor
Falls apart
Uh, oh
All over again
We're gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We're gonna have
Some fun
Gonna loose control

Feels so good
To let go-oh-oh

I wish it
Would never end
Spending time
With my friends
Oh, with my friends

Let the party start
We're gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We're gonna dance
Till the dance floor
Falls apart
Uh, oh
All over again
We're gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We're gonna have
Some fun
Gonna loose control

... Read more »
Category: K | Views: 126 | Added by: Scar | Date: 04.04.2016 | Comments (0)

The fish swam out of the ocean
And grew legs and they started walking
And the apes climbed down from the trees
And grew tall and they started talking

And the stars fell out of the sky
And my tears rolled into the ocean
Now i'm looking for a reason why
You even set my world into motion

'Cause if you're not really here
Then the stars don't even matter
Now I'm filled to the top with fear
But it's all just a bunch of matter
'Cause if you're not really here
Then I don't want to be either
I wanna be next to you
Black and gold
Black and gold
Black and gold

I looked up into the grey sky
And see a thousand eyes staring back
And all around these golden beacons
I see nothing but black

I feel a way of something beyond them
I don't see what I can feel
If vision is the only validation
Then most of my life isn't real

'Cause if you're not really here
Then the stars don't even matter
Now I'm filled to the top with fear
But it's all just a bunch of matter
'Cause if you're not really here
Then I don't want to be either
I wanna be next to you
Black and gold
Black and gold
Black and gold

Category: K | Views: 118 | Added by: Scar | Date: 04.04.2016 | Comments (0)

I hurt your feeling, nothing's going bright
Why don't you let me stop the vibe
The clock is ticking, running out of time
So we should party, all night
So cover your eyes, I have a surprise
I hope you got a healthy appetite

If you wanna dance, if you want it all
You know that I'm the girl that you should call

But when you're with me
I'll give you a taste
Make it like your birthday everyday
I know you like it sweet
So you can have your cake
Give you something good to celebrate

So make a wish
I'll make it like your birthday everyday
I'll be your gift
Give you something good to celebrate

Pop your confetti
We can get it on
So hot and heavy
Till dawn
I got you spinning
Like a disco ball
I'll have them playing
Your song

We're living the life
We're doing it right
You're never gonna be unsatisfied
If you wanna dance
If you want it all
You know I'm the girl that you should call

But when you're with me
I'll give you a taste
Make it like your birthday everyday
I know you like it sweet
So you can have your cake
Give you something good to celebrate

So make a wish
I'll make it like your birthday everyday
I'll be your gift
Give you something good to celebrate

Happy birthday

So let me get you in your birthday suit
It's time to bring out the big balloons
So let me get you in your birthday suit
It's time to bring out the big, big, big, big balloons

But when you're with me
I'll give you a taste
Make it like your birthday everyday
I know you like it sweet
So you can have your cake
Give you something good to celebrate

But when you're with me
I'll give you a t ... Read more »

Category: K | Views: 114 | Added by: Scar | Date: 04.04.2016 | Comments (0)

Nunca lo planie, no fue mi intencion
Me puse valiente, con mi trago en mano, perdi mi discrecion
No es lo que suelo hacer, solo queria probarte
Soy curiosa por vos, llamaste mi atencion

Bese una chica y me gusto
El sabor de su lapiz labial de cereza
Bese una chica solo para probar
Espero que a mi novio no le importe

Se sentia tan equivocado, se sentia tan bien
No significa que este enamorada esta noche
Bese una chica y me gusto
Me gusto

Ni siquiera se tu nombre, no importa
Eres mi juego experimental, naturaleza humana
No es lo que hacen las buenas chicas, no como se suelen
Mi cabeza se confundio tanto.

Bese una chica y me gusto
El sabor de su lapiz labial de cereza
Bese una chica solo para probar
Espero que a mi novio no le importe

Nosotras las chicas somos tan magicas
Piel suave, labios rojos, tan besables.
Dificil de resistir, tan tocables
Demasiado bueno para prohibirlo
No es nada del otro mundo, es inocente.

Bese una chica y me gusto
El sabor de su lapiz labial de cereza
Bese una chica solo para probar
Espero que a mi novio no le importe

Se sentia tan equivocado, se sentia tan bien
No significa que este enamorada esta noche
Bese una chica y me gusto

Category: K | Views: 127 | Added by: Scar | Date: 04.04.2016 | Comments (0)

I take these turns
A bit too fast
Trying to leave you
In my past
The CD skips
Our favorite songs
Our greatest hits
Just don't belong

I really love
To hate this
Love hate
Hate love relationships
Are over-rated
Over my dead body
Is how this will end
He said it's over
And i could go for
Another chance to do
This over again

So this is it?
After all
We've been thru
We call it quits
And-a i'm about to
Wash my prints
The little i had left
He said it's over
And i could really go
For a cup of coffee
And an overdose

Leave it all behind me
You'll see it
When you finally find me
Comatose or pretty close
Cover up copy
And an overdose

I pop these pills
Like cracker jacks
And the price
That plays dice
Just watching you react
When your depressed you
Sleep too much
I'm not sure
If i'm waking up

It's over-rated
Over my dead body
Is how this will end
You said it'd over
And i could go
For another chance to do
This over again

So this is it?
After all
We've been thru
We call it quits
And-a i'm about
To wash my prints
The little i had left
He said it's over
And i could really go
For a cup of coffee
And an overdose

Leave it all behind me
You'll see it
When you finally find me
Comatose or pretty close
Cup of coffee
And an overdose

He said it's over
And i could really go
For a cup of coffee
And an overdose
Leave it all behind me
You'll see it
When you finally find me
Comatose or pretty close

I stood in line
Without you
... Read more »

Category: K | Views: 103 | Added by: Scar | Date: 04.04.2016 | Comments (0)

Il m'a dit un jour, ecoute petit
Va cours rattrape ta chance
Vis ton reve la vie te sourit
En une seconde, un oui, un non
Tu passes a cote 
Ne pense pas dans le vent du courage
Vas-y elance-toi,
Tu seras recu par ceux qui t'aiment
Ceux qui dans le fond d'un regard
En silence te comprennent
Et ils partageront les memes peines, les tiennes
Ces centains de haine, les fois ou tu parles trop
Les fois ou tu dis rien tu fais rien
Quand tu as l'impression de vivre
Toujours le meme quotidien
Ne baisse pas les bras, ne lache pas
Prends le temps de te dire
Qu'il y a un ange derriere toi
Releve toi, et va trouver le plus fort en toi au fond de toi
Le bonheur est au bout des doigts ne l'oublie pas

Sous l'oeil de l'ange
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai su rester fort
Sous l'oeil de l'ange
Je suis venu te dire qu'ils n'ont rien vu encore
Sous l'oeil de l'ange 
Je suis venu te dire que j'ai trouver la paix
Sous l'oeil de l'ange
J'ai su pardonner et j'ai su le chanter

Il va falloir que tu saches
Ce qui se cache dans une defaite et,
Trouver la porte dans le noir qui t'en sortirai
Et recommencer a rever

C'est dans les reves que se cache
La porte de l'eternel conte de fee,
Ta vie tu la batiras de tes mains, 
La sueur de ton front 
Sera le pain pour ton lendemain,
Va, et sois le meilleur dans ce que tu feras
Ne baisse pas les bras et Dieu te gardera
Il te parlera de ca de tout et de rien, 
Il a les melodies, les clefs du mal et du bien
Il fera ton histoire, il ecrira demain 
Il aura tes memoires dans le creux de sa main
Va et sache que tu as tout ce qu'il faut,
Et bien plus qu'il ... Read more »

Category: K | Views: 128 | Added by: Scar | Date: 04.04.2016 | Comments (0)

Let's go, you know are we do no, you know are with go all down ooh 
Let's go for my people all the dance floor all the scene with be 
Around ooh ooh let's go 

Ok baby it's slow down c'est mon dixieme, un ptit conseil mont le son 
De ton systeme, on arrive avec une decennie de souvenirs nos memoire y 
A de quoi avoir le sourire, ca s'fete, ca s'celebre de savoir par 
Exemple qu'a Moscou on est celebre, qu'a Dubai on est penard et qu'au 
Bled les enfants on mon nom colle sur les levres, le monde est a nous 
La devise, la vie est t'emplie de surprises, personne t'entends 
Personne ne peut t'arreter quand tu vis de reves et de terres 
Promises, maintenant y a des hauts et des bas, y a du bon et des faux 
Pas, du pif et des coups bas, crois-moi ca en vaut la peine, it's for 
The love of the games c'est le coeur qui t'appelle 

Let's go, you know are we do no, you know are with go all down ooh 
Let's go for my people all the dance floor all the scene with be 
Around ooh ooh let's go 

Si tu savais les risques que j'ai pris, les folies que j'ai faites, 
Le manque de fois ou j'ai teste ma vie, j'ai pousse a la limite le 
Succes pour mon age, les exces dans ma rage, j'ai prie dans ma cage 
Eeh, vas-y ouvre le champagne, homey vas-y ouvre le champagne, disons 
Que c'est la vie qui nous gate pour avoir trop de fois voulu nous 
Briser les pattes et c'est bien, c'est la preuve qu'on avance qu'on 
Amasse les recompenses pensant a voir demain, qu'on est fier du 
Passe, mais qu'on vit pour l'avenir en n'oubliant jamais d'ou on 
Vient, pouvoir aider le ... Read more »

Category: K | Views: 115 | Added by: Scar | Date: 04.04.2016 | Comments (0)

Yeah, guess who's back

[Refrain] :
Baby si je pense a toi lady,
ce que tu m'as donnee ton baby love
come on
walk with me
au paradis des fous rock with me
Baby si je reviens vers toi lady,
c que j'ai besoin de ce gangsta love
Att'tion boy,
et personne peux te le donner comme moi tu le sais girl

Au paradis des fous, on est tous perdus
Entre le bien, le mal on est confondus
Chercher l'ame soeur pour fuir le malheur
Croire qu'on est amoureux, pour oublier en un 1/4 d'heure
C'est du gansta love a son meilleur
C'est la guerre des go, la loi d'honneur
Personne, no son, confiance, so
Pas cheating , pas de films, pas de danse, so
Girl si t'es ready let's go,
Je te prends sous mon aile, et si t'es genee, let go
Je te ferais voir, ce que tu n'as jamais vu
Je te ferais croire, ce que tu n'as jamais cru, yo my baby
Et tu traines avec le best, parce que t'es my baby
T'inquietes pas pour le reste, si t'es ma baby
La vie est plus facile avec un peu d'oseille
T'inquietes pas girl, la tienne ne sera plus jamais la meme

Baby si je pense a toi lady,
ce que tu m'as donnee ton baby love
come on
walk with me
au paradis des fous rock with me
Baby si je reviens vers toi lady,
c que j'ai besoin de ce gangsta love
Att'tion boy
et personne peux te le donner comme moi tu le sais girl

Ho, easy baby
J'ai besoin d'un vent frais, une sorte de breezy, baby
Pourrais tu l'etre pour moi, pourrais tu le faire pour moi
Tu sais parfois la vie est un prof sournois
Mais ce n'est pas de ta faute, et je l'entend
Et j'ai besoin de savoir si au fond tu me comprends
Si tu seras la, dans les moments les plus difficiles,
Seras tu la sac ... Read more »

Category: K | Views: 106 | Added by: Scar | Date: 04.04.2016 | Comments (0)

Somehow, when time is hard 
You need to carry on 
When you try but it feels like nothing’s right 
You gotta keep on moving on 
Until you lean on me like I can lean on you 
You can’t know me like I can know you 
Believe in your dreams so they’ll believe in you too 
Cause this is all we can do 

As far as I can remember life was different, man 
Sometimes I look back, it feels like I’m a different man 
Trust me, I prayed every day to survive 
Today I pay a hundred K for car that I don’t even drive 
I used to dream of the world and seeing different countries 
Today I fly 1st class to rest on the palm tree 
But it’s so strange to me, I might gonna fall back 
The truth when you got nothing is that you ain’t scared of all that 
You don’t think about it 
You just dream about it 
Today if my … ain’t right you fucking hear about it 
But fucking, it is my life and I’m not changing it 
Let’s dream to every dream that I have, 
Let’s dream for making it 
And this what I’m about 
And this is who I am 
I got my reasonable doubts 
I try the best I can… 
It took me a while to understand 
But every time I held a miс in my hand 
I did it for the fans 

I did so many things I thought that I would never do 
Like playing for 15 thousand people in Moscow 
Think we have some money here they got some heavy money too 
Belle demoiselle et le Bentley compondent rendez-vous 
It is so crazy that I can’t help looking back 
I was a war child, homie, can you imagine that? 
How you can change your life, just like the game ... Read more »

Category: K | Views: 118 | Added by: Scar | Date: 04.04.2016 | Comments (0)

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